3 Major Benefits of Using an Employee Scheduling Software

Published: April 27, 2022

Employee scheduling is rather complex than simple for firms with higher workforce needs or high-octane activities. This blog explores 3 ways employee scheduling software can help you and your organization. 

employee scheduling software

Thanks to technological advancements, enterprises worldwide can respond faster and more accurately to the events that influence them. Automated software solutions can help facility managers save time and boost employee productivity. 

Employee scheduling software is one such advancement that assists firms in streamlining the critical task of scheduling employees. All the while it helps maintain a high level of forethought and strategy.

Statistics reveal that managers spend at least 20% of their time manually generating employee schedules. In perspective, schedule management consumes roughly a full day per week in a 40-hour workweek! If your facilities staff spends too much time managing personnel schedules, employee scheduling software can be cost-effective and time-saving.

Additional Read:  Employee Scheduling vs. Resource Scheduling Software


What Is Employee Scheduling Software and How Does It Work? 

Employee scheduling software automates developing and handling a schedule for employees. For businesses with hourly workers, employee scheduling software improves efficiency and frees up resources for non-scheduling operations. 

Such software regularly tracks vacation, sick, and compensation time, and conflicts are flagged as soon as they arise. The multiple features of employee scheduling software are incredible.

To eliminate scheduling conflicts, specific employee scheduling software, for example, includes automated notifications. Analytics are included in employee scheduling software to help with job management and coordination. 

Employee scheduling software assists business owners, managers, and HR employees manage employee schedules. This program automates and streamlines the process of creating and tracking personnel schedules.

Bonus Read: What is Employee Scheduling & Why is it Important? 

Why Should You Utilize Employee Scheduling Software?

Facility managers have traditionally used two standard things to generate employee schedules: a pencil and paper.

Then came personal computers, which allowed these executives to generate spreadsheets digitally rather than by hand. However, applications are now dedicated particularly to employee scheduling, which makes even these digital spreadsheets appear basic.

The most significant benefit of today’s employee scheduling software is that it saves managers time, workforce, and money. They can do more than speeding up scheduling processes. 

Modern-day employee scheduling software solutions provide a slew of other advantages, including automating specific processes and improving team communication. Statistics indicate that companies have recorded an 88% rise in shift coverage with scheduling software.

3 Significant Benefits Of Using Employee Scheduling Software


#1 Time saved is money saved

employee scheduling solution

You don’t have to start from scratch every time you need a timetable when using employee scheduling software. Most software products allow you to transfer schedules from one week to the next. This is especially useful if you have recurrent schedules.

Even if you have to generate new schedules every week, the tool can help you save time. You can typically drag and drop shifts in a schedule planner, making it easier to design and alter schedules as you go. There’s no need to juggle several spreadsheets.

Employee scheduling software can also aid in maximizing coverage. Off-hours or frequent intervals of downtime can be identified using the software. This provides the staff with the opportunity to cross-train or master new skills. 

Your employees are more likely to have a great work experience if they have the chance to progress. When done strategically, neither your customer service nor your business operations will suffer.

You could schedule staff depending on their skill level or qualifications. This might help you prepare for critical milestones or peak seasons and guarantee that your business runs smoothly.

Additional Read: Why Office Scheduling is the Essence of a Hybrid Workplace


#2 Employee Scheduling Automates Leave Requests

Time out and leave requests are now automated, with fewer scheduling issues.

Facility managers can use employee scheduling software to computerize the approval process. This saves managers time and allows them to digitally keep track of employee requests.

A manager can still have the last word before the request for extended leave is accepted. 

Employee scheduling software enables managers to be proactive in preventing schedule issues. When the following conditions exist, the best employee scheduling software may automatically send you alerts:

  • Conflicts in schedule
  • Shifts that aren’t covered or are understaffed
  • Shifts that are overstaffed


#3 Employee Scheduling Improves Communication And Employee Experience

employee scheduling

It might be tough to convey schedule updates to the staff. Furthermore, it can be challenging to have everyone on the same page. Employee scheduling software helps managers communicate with staff more efficiently and reduces scheduling issues.

Here’s how. Facility managers can send an email reminder to the workers when they release a new schedule or edit an existing one. The employees will not be caught off guard since the employee scheduling software allows them to update timetables in real-time. This way, facility managers won’t be dealing with as many requests for time off at the last minute.

Employees must notify their managers of shift changes, time off requests, and other scheduling concerns if there is no employee scheduling software. This can take a long time and increase the chances of making a mistake.

Employees can handle their schedule modifications using the software. They can determine their availability, swap shifts with colleagues, seek leave and time off, and proactively shape their work experience using most collaborative scheduling applications.

Employees are less likely to be late or show up for a canceled shift since they may notice changes in their schedule in real-time. This optimizes their experience, boosts employee satisfaction, and betters their work-life balance.

Bonus Read: 5 Ways to Improve Employee Experience 

To Conclude

Your manual scheduling operations will be streamlined and simplified using employee scheduling software. Payroll will automatically collect and update hours worked. 

Facility managers can save time and effort and maintain accuracy by reducing data entry with an employee scheduling solution. For all your employee planning needs, turn to WorkInSync.

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