Hybrid Workplace Software & 7 Signs You Need it

Hybrid Workplace Software & 7 Signs You Need it

A hybrid workplace is not a new concept. Are you planning to implement a hybrid workplace in your organization? You need to keep an eye on these 7 signs that can help you decide in the favor of getting a hybrid workplace software. This blog helps you recognize them...
Beware! Hybrid Workplace = Chaos

Beware! Hybrid Workplace = Chaos

The ongoing debate, whether you should work on-site or remote, has drawn eyeballs, no doubt. And people have found the middle ground, a very feasible option called the hybrid. People think they could marry both WFH and WFO and create something that could have the best...
Recruiting for a Hybrid Workplace

Recruiting for a Hybrid Workplace

The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed us to relook at the way we work. As more companies start adopting a hybrid workplace, recruiters have been given the opportunity to dip into a larger pool of candidates with less limitations of geography and personal schedules....